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Indonesia's Supreme Court Establishes Cooperation with Judicial Council of Kingdom of Jordan

The Supreme Court of The Republic of Indonesia (MA) and  Judicial Council (MP) of Kingdom of Jordan agree to cooperate in the field of court.

It was delivered by Chief Justice the Hon. Dr. H. M. Hatta Ali after a meeting with the Chairman of the Jordan Judicial Council Hisyam At Tal in his office (21/11).

The first time visit of the Indonesian Supreme Court delegation to the Jordan Judicial was aimed to explore the judicial system applied by the kingdom of Jordan and the various achievements that have been achieved and sharing experiences of Jordan court in resolving sharia economy cases.

Further more, through this visit is expected for streghthen cooperative relationship between the Supreme Court (MA) and the Jordanian Judicial Council  and  provide benefits for both parties. And, through this visit can be a starting point for the beginning of intensive cooperation.


Chairman of the Jordanian Judicial Council Hisham At Tal, explained the Jordanian Judicial Council is the highest judicial authority in the country.


Jordan has two  types of Supreme Court of the General and Shariah Supreme Courts. Both Jordanian judiciary institutions are independent and not subject to  government control but directly responsible to the King as stressed in Jordanian constitutional changes in 2011.

The meeting which were also attended by the  Ambassador in Amman, Teguh Wardoyo, Vice Chief Justice RI for non Judicial Affairs, the Hon. H. Suwardi, Chairman of the Religious Chamber the Hon. Prof. Dr. H. Abdul Manan, Justice, the Hon. Dr. Amran Suadi, Director General of the Religious Courts, Drs. Abdul Manaf, M.H., Head of Planning and Finance division Directorate General of the Religious Courts Arief Gunawansyah, SH, M.H. and Judge RC of Cibinong, Dr. Nasich Salam,  Supreme Court Chief Justice (MA)  explained that basically between Indonesia and Jordan have a lot similarities in common. Primarily have the majority Muslim population.

The results of  this visit to Jordan is the Chief Justice of each party agreed to signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) at the next meeting to be held in Indonesia by study proposal  and forms of cooperation that will be done.

Chief Justice,the Hon Dr. H.M. Hatta Ali also invites the Chairman of the Jordan Judicial Council to come to Indonesia in Annual Report 2017 event ,  in Jakarta, in order to share experiences dealing with cases related to various issues.
