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The dynamics of Religious Court since 1957 until 1974 can be drawn in four stages of event. The first is related to the issuance of Government Regulation No. 29/1957. The second is the issuance of Government Regulation No. 45/1957. The third is the issuance of Law No. 19/1954 and Law No. 14/1970. The fourth is about increasing number of religious court office.

Government Regulation No.29/1957 was basically rooted from the willingness of Acehnese People to have Religious Court since its legality had been obscure due to the status of Aceh as a part of North Sumatera province after unifying process of Indonesia as united republic. To do so, the government initiated to clarify the legal status of Religious Court in Aceh by issuing Government Regulation declaring the appearance of Religious Court in every area of General Court. Because of this regulation, legal form of Religious Court out of Java and Madura had different sources. To synchronize the legal form of Religious Court in the rest areas out of Java Madura and South Kalimantan into one similar form, the Government initiated to enhance the validity of Government Regulation No. 29/1957. To do so, this regulation was abrogated by Government Regulation No. 45/1957.

This regulation allowed Religious Court out of Java Madura and South Kalimantan to conduct several cases related to marriage, divorce, reconciliation, inheritance, donation, alms, and the related cases. Based on this regulation, the government built 54 Religious Court in district level and 4 in province level.

The next stage of the dynamics of Religious Court was the issuance of Law No. 19/1964 completed by Law No. 14/1970. Both were about the Basic Provisions of Judicial Power. However, Law No. 14/1970 stated that judicial power had four divisions of court: General Court, Religious Court, Military Court, and State Administrative Court. Through this regulation, legal status of Religious Court became so clear and strong. According to Muhammad Iskak Sumoanidjojo, Religious Court as well as Military Court are specific. They handle specific cases and specific group of people.

The last stage of Religious Court dynamics around 1957 until 1974 was about the increase of Religious Court offices around the country. As documented in Directorate of Fostering Religious Court Body in 1972, the number of Religious Court in Java-Madura was 96 and 152 in the rest areas.

Office Address

Supreme Court Secretariat Building  (Lt. 6-8)

Jl. Jend. Ahmad Yani Kav. 58 ByPass Jakarta Pusat

Telp: 021-29079177 
Fax: 021-29079277

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