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Written by Achmad Cholil on . Hits: 5999


Being transparent has become a must for all public institutions. Badan Peradilan Agama MA RI/Badilag (Directorate General of Religious Courts Body in the Supreme Court of Indonesia) is aware of this demand and has anticipated this trend by building and developing its website under the name of www.badilag.net since 2006.

www.badilag.net offers a wide range of information, from profile, history, judgment publication, judicial transparency, articles, updated news of the Supreme Court, Badilag and other Religious Courts throughout Indonesia, to other useful information for Courts officers in particular and Indonesian as well as International public in general.

As cooperation with other foreign institutions and International attention to Indonesian judiciary have shown an increase trend, Badilag needs to bridge the effectiveness of its communication with International audiences by providing information in International language. For that reason, English version of www.badilag.net is now available on the web and can be accessed by anyone all over the globe.

Unlike its Indonesian version, www.badilag.net/english only provides a number of information that we think of important for International audiences.

www.badilag.net/english was first softly launched by Director General of Badilag, Wahyu Widiana, on July 13, 2008 and officially launched by Deputy Chief Justice for Religious Courts, Hon. Andi Syamsu Alam on October 9, 2009.

www.badilag.net/english was collaboratively built and designed by a team as follows:



1. Wahyu Widiana (Former and first Director General of Badilag)

2. Sunarto (now a high judge at Banten High Religious Court)


Administrator/Web Designer

1. Asep Nursobah (Now Judge at Depok Religious Court & Data Coordinator at Supreme Court Registry)

2. Hirpan Hilmi (Head Sub Div. of Information and Documentation)

3. Helmi Indra Mahyudin

4. Endah Purnamasari (Staff of Sub Div. of General Affairs)


Language Editors

1. Achmad Cholil (now judge at Bekasi Religious Court, West Java)

2. Andi M. Yusuf Bakri (now judge at Maros Religious Court, South Sulawesi)

3. Muhammad M. Nur (now judge at Cilegon Religious Court, Banten)

4. Shofa’u Qalbi (now judge at Cilegon Religious Court, Banten)

5. Ahsan Dawi Mansur (now judge at Bantul Religious Court, Yogyakarta)

6. Herman Hermanto (Head Subdivision of Administratioin of DG of Badilag)

At present, the contents of Badilag.net/english is managed by Achmad Cholil and Rahmat Arijaya. Achmad Cholil is a judge at Bekasi Religious Court and Rahmat Arijaya is a judge at Tigaraksa Religious Court. Both Achmad Cholil and Rahmat Arijaya are also Special Assistants to the Director General of Badilag, Abdul Manaf, who was sworn in as the Director General of Badilag on 8 January 2015, replacing Dr. Purwosusilo who is now a justice at the Supreme Court.

Office Address

Supreme Court Secretariat Building  (Lt. 6-8)

Jl. Jend. Ahmad Yani Kav. 58 ByPass Jakarta Pusat

Telp: 021-29079177 
Fax: 021-29079277

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Email Ditjen : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.