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The presence of religious courts has been going along the presence of Islam in Indonesian archipelago. As a formal institution, religious courts has been established by the kingdom putting Islam as the basic of the governmental system.

The religious court as a judicature related to the state system for the first time established in Indonesia (Java and Madura) on August 1st 1882, based on the decree of King of Netherland (Konninklijk Besluit), King Willem III, on January 19th 1882 No. 24, set at Staatblaad 1882 No. 152, and declared to be enacted on January 1st 1882 (set at staatblaad 1882 No. 153), by using nomenclature Raad Agama or Priesteraad. The date of Konninklijk Besluit enactment was then decided to be the anniversary of Religious Courts in Indonesia.

In the Dutch colonization era, the fostering of religious judicature was conducted by ministry of justice. In this era, there has been issued some regulations to manage the competence of religious judicature. To mention some, Staatsblaad 58/1835, Staatsblaad 53/1931, and Staatsblaad 116/1937.

In the era Japan occupation, the fostering policy of religious Judicature did not much change. Religious Judicature was remain maintained, without changes, except the nomenclature. Religious Court was called Soo Rioo Hooin, while High Religious Court was called Kaikoo Kootoo Hooin.

Office Address

Supreme Court Secretariat Building  (Lt. 6-8)

Jl. Jend. Ahmad Yani Kav. 58 ByPass Jakarta Pusat

Telp: 021-29079177 
Fax: 021-29079277

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