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Deputy Chief Justice urges similar perception in applying law

Palembang | badilag.net/english (9/10)

Deputy Chief Justice for Religious Courts Affairs, Andi Syamsu Alam said yesterday (8/10) judges need to show their determination on enhancing Courts quality by having similar perception in applying laws.

The statement was delivered to participants of the Supreme Court national meeting from commission II (Religious Courts) on the second day of the meeting held in Palembang.

Syamsu Alam also added that the perception similarity is needed to ensure justice and legal certainty following the new vision of Supreme Court to implement great Indonesian courts.

There were five grand topics emerging in this commission’s discussion presented by five Supreme Court Justices. Among five discussion topics of Procedural law, Inheritance law, Sharia Economy, Qanun Sharia and Zakat, one that received huge response was the inheritance law. This was triggered by Justice Habiburrahman who questioned stipulations of inheritance law written in Islamic Law Compilation (Kompilasi Hukum Islam), a book of applied Islamic law that has been main reference for judges since 1991.

Regarding mediation practice in Religious Courts, Deputy Chief Justice Syamsu Alam hopes Religious Courts’ judges to improve success rate of mediation. (cho)

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