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Registrars told to enhance professionalism

Bogor | badilag.net/english (20/10)

Registrars and substitute registrars play a significant role in helping judges formulate verdicts. This role will function effectively only if registrars possess high quality and professionalism.

Anwar Usman, Head of Research and Development Center in the Supreme Court, stressed this point when delivering his address in the opening ceremony of a nation-wide Registrar/Substitute Registrar Training yesterday (19/10) at Diklat building, Bogor.

“Registrars and substitute registrars should improve their performance and enhance the quality and professionalism. And, you have to show the public that you deserve a new facility provided by the newest bill on Judicial Power that has been passed lately by Parliament,” Anwar Usman told the training participants.


The new bill on Judicial Power, that is still waiting to be approved by the President, prolongs the age of service period for registrar, junior registrar and substitute registrar; 60 years for those in first instance courts and 62 years for those working at appellate courts.

First National-scale Registrar Training

The registrar training, which is the first national-scale training ever held by the Supreme Court, is followed by 302 registrars and substitute registrars from General Courts and Religious Courts all over Indonesia and will be taking place until October 22, 2009.

The training employs a main module formulated in collaboration with CCIJ with the support from Europe Union, under the program of “Continuing Registrar Training.” Trainers from the Research and Development Center will guide all participants during this training.

“The main purpose of this training is to improve the professionalism of registrars and substitute registrars, which will, in turn, strengthen the Supreme Court as the highest institution in executing judicial power,” Supandi, Head of Technical Training, said.

Wahyu Widiana, Director General of Badilag (Religious Courts Body), who also attended the opening ceremony said the training was conducted at the right time in accordance with the atmosphere of ‘euphoria’ of  prolonged age of service.

Wahyu highly appreciated the Center of Research and Training for its important efforts in enhancing quality and integrity, saying that although Religious Courts Body continuously maintains the efforts of enhancing human resources, yet the Body can not afford to hold a national-scale training due to lack of financial budget.

“We are now in the public spotlight. Therefore, improving performance and maintaining the integrity is a must,” Wahyu told badilag.net. (adli/cho)


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