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i-syariah Magazine:

Information Technology key to transparent and modern court

Director General of Badilag urges Religious Courts to keep the websites updated and improve the quality of services.

Jakarta | badilag.net/english (22/10)

In its efforts to make radical changes for a more professional, transparent and accountable Supreme Court and its subordinate courts, Religious Courts Body has since two years ago been developing IT usage to bring the Court to a more modern one, i-syariah magazine wrote on its first publication received by badilag.net days ago.

The magazine further wrote that under Wahyu Widiana’s leadership, Badilag (Religious Courts Body) had pioneered the establishment of websites all over Religious Courts in Indonesia, an indication of achieving client service improvement. As a result, public can now notice significant progress that Badilag has made so far. A number of domestic and foreign Non Governmental Organizations convey their appreciation to Badilag for its achievement.

This progress and public recognition Badilag earned, according to Wahyu as quoted by i-syariah, is because of the introduction of the one roof system from which Badilag benefits, to mention an example, budget increase that financially supports many of Badilag’s programs and policies.


Transparency, Access to Justice, Justice for the Poor and Judgment Publication.

Asked what future policies he would focus on to build modern courts, Wahyu emphasized the urgency of transparency, access to justice, and justice for the poor as well as judgment publication.

Badilag, he said, will push Religious Courts to conduct as many circuit courts (siding keliling) as possible besides waiving court fees for those who can not afford to pay. Wahyu ascertained that by the end of this year those targets should have materialized.

Since the existence of websites is deemed as the main gate of transparency, Wahyu, an alumnus of Michigan University USA, expects Religious Courts to keep their websites updated and improve the quality of services.

i-syariah Magazine

i-syariah magazine is a publication launched by the Association of Indonesian Sharia Intellectuals and Scholars (HISSI/Himpunan Ilmuan dan Sarjana Syariah Indonesia), a non-profit organization founded in 2007 and headed by Prof. Dr. M. Amin Suma, SH, MA, MM, the Dean of Sharia and Law Faculty, The State Islamic University Jakarta.

Wahyu Widiana, Director General of Badilag, was involved much in the establishment of this organization. He is also the Head of Central Leadership Council (Majelis Pimpinan Pusat) of the organization. (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

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