Deputy Chief Justice, Andi Syamsu Alam:
Modern Society must be served with modern working facilities
Bandung | (3/11)
He further said that modernizing Indonesian Courts has been a national agenda of the Supreme Court since a couple of years ago.
Based on his personal experiences of comparative studies in several foreign countries, Indonesia, Andi said, needs to adopt the usage of modern technology and facilities for improving public services. In California, he exemplified, abundant justice seekers coming to the courts can be satisfyingly handled using modern working facilities. Public gets fast and sophisticated services from the courts.
.Moreover in Sydney, Andi added, judges examine cases without a single piece of paper. All are done electronically. All needed facilities are available there.
Chief of Administration Affairs in the Supreme Court, Subagyo, admitted that the Supreme Court has not yet formulated standardized working facilities for all of its subordinate courts. Therefore, he highly appreciates the efforts of Directorate General of Religious Courts Body in formulating the improvement of working facilities within Religious Courts. He believes that better working facilities will enhance the performance of Religious Courts in providing excellent services for public.
Security of the Courts
Security of the Courts is one important issue that emerged in this meeting. Learning from the case of judge murder in Sidoarjo, East Java years ago, the participants seemed determined to formulate working facilities that can secure courts officers and especially judges from any unwanted crime that might reoccur in the future.
The Importance of Asset Management
Meanwhile, Secretary to the Supreme Court, Rum Nessa, emphasized the importance of managing asset available in every court in Indonesia. “Owning modern asset/facilities is important but managing and maintaining the asset is no less important,” Rum Nessa said. (h2/cho)