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Badilag and HISSI sign MoU on human resources and sharia economy law

Director General of Badilag, Wahyu Widiana, shaking hands with General Chairman of HISSI, Prof. Amin Suma, after signing the MoU. 

Jakarta l Badilag.net/english (18/1)

Directorate General of Religious Courts Body in the Supreme Court of Indonesia (Badilag) signed an MoU with Association of Indonesian Sharia Intellectuas and Scholars (HISSI/Himpunan Ilmuan dan Sarjana Syari’ah Indonesia) on Friday (15/1) at the Auditorium of State Islamic University (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta.

The MoU, signed by DG of Badilag Wahyu Widiana and General Chairman of HISSI, Prof. Amin Suma, is primarily on human resources, Islamic law development and sharia economy law.

“This cooperation is aimed at the success of Badilag’s programs. We think HISSI can provide positive contributions to Badilag,” Wahyu Widiana said.


HISSI, which was founded 2 years ago, has now developed rapidly with 26 provincial boards and 8 district boards throughout Indonesia.

“HISSI boards and members come from various backgrounds such as lectures, judges, and clerics. Cooperation with Badilag will expand the roles of the organization, especially in the sector of Religious Court,” Jainal Arifin, Secretary General of HISSI, said.

The signing of MoU was a part of ceremonies in the National Working Meeting (Muskernas) and the 2nd anniversary of HISSI that was held from 14 – 16 January. The main focus of the organization, Jainal Arifin said, is on institutional building.

A seminar themed “Toward a unified Hisab Rukyat in Indonesia” was also carried out in the middle of the gathering. Keynote speakers for this seminar were Wahyu Widiana (DG of Badilag), Prof. Thomas Jamaluddin (LAPAN researcher), Prof. Amin Suma, and Muji Raharjo (ITB lecturer).

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