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Written by Hirpan Hilmi on . Hits: 1212

Workshop for Making Anonymous Verdict

Bandung | Badilag.net/english

In cooperation with the IAJPT (Indonesia Australia Justice Partnership Transition), DG Badilag held a three-day anonymous verdict workshop in Bandung. The workshop aimed to select which areas of verdict should and should not be obviously published. It involved participants from throughout Indonesia, each of which represented the Appellate Court plus participants from the Supreme Court.

This program refers to the regulation of Chief Justice No. 144/2007 regarding the disclosure of information in courts. The regulation obviously differentiates which points should be and not be obscured, but there are many mistakes regarding the implementation. Based on this fact, DG initiated to hold a workshop not only serving materials and techniques, but also implementing into practice.
The three-day workshop led to an unexpected result which is very encouraging. A total of 3650 decisions from 2007-2009 were successfully made anonymous. The participants also codified the file with appropriate standard. They also formulated a meta-data containing details of the verdict where the identity of the parties had been obscured.

. "I congratulate the organizers and participants for producing something extraordinary," said Aria Sujudi, program implementer of the Supreme Court Renewal Team. However, He acknowledges though the workshop is important enough, the task for making anonymous verdict can be done anytime in each workplace.

Workshop participants posing together with DG of Badilag.
Gift and Reward

In closing ceremony, participants had a chance to achieve gift with various categories. Participants from Surabaya, Bandung and Jakarta Appellate Court won the rewards for the category of the biggest number of verdict published in Asianlii. In particular category for the biggest number of verdict brought in the workshop, Surabaya Appellate Court was the winner. Besides, the organizer also presented special gift for two participants from the Supreme Court due to their hard working during the workshop.

Haemiwan Fathony from IAJPT handing out a gift to a workshop participant.
Out of these particular categories, the organizer also provided free flash disc as a gift through drawing. And the lucky participants gaining the drawing were the participant from Banjarmasin, Pontianak, Pekanbaru, and Jayapura Appellate Court. (Shofa Qolbi)

Office Address

Supreme Court Secretariat Building  (Lt. 6-8)

Jl. Jend. Ahmad Yani Kav. 58 ByPass Jakarta Pusat

Telp: 021-29079177 
Fax: 021-29079277

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