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Launch of the Indonesian High Religious Courts PTA database and the Access and Equity Survey

AsianLII Launch - Indonesia
The Honorable Diana Bryant, Chief Justice of the Family Court of Australia and the Honorable Professor Bagir Manan, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Indonesia at the launch of the Indonesian High Religious Courts PTA database and the Access and Equity Survey.

Jakarta, www.badilag.net (12/02/2008)

Source: http://www.asianlii.org
The Honorable Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Indonesia, Dr Bagir Manan, and the Honorable Diana Bryant, Chief Justice of the Family Court of Australia attended the launch of the Indonesian High Religious Courts PTA database and the Access and Equity Survey in Jakarta.

The Australasian Legal Information Institute (AustLII), through an AusAID PSLP funded project, has created the Asian Legal Information Institute (AsianLII) which provides access to 175 databases from 28 Asian countries and territories. AsianLII, with support from the Indonesia Australia Legal Development Facility (IALDF), has collaborated with the Supreme Court Directorate General for the Religious Courts in developing this online database of High Religious Court decisions which can be accessed at <www.asianlii.org/ind/id/cases/IDPTA>.


In her speech to judges gathered at the Supreme Court of Indonesia, the Chief Justice of the Family Court of Australia stated that: "I know the Supreme Court of Indonesia; the Religious Courts and the Family Court of Australia share an interest in, and commitment to, judgment publication as part of a broader access and equity strategy. The creation of a database of High Religious Court judgments is a significant achievement and I congratulate you on this."

AsianLII Launch - Indonesia

Bapak Wahyu Widiana, Director General of the Religious Courts at the Supreme Court of Indonesia introducing the PTA database at the launch.

Also launched today and available on the AsianLII Indonesian Law Resources database is a document entitled: "Providing Justice to the Justice Seeker. A Report on the Indonesian Religious Courts Access and Equity Study 2007" [2008] IDLRes 1. This study was supported by AusAID through the Indonesian Australia Legal Development Facility (IALDF) and was a collaborative effort undertaken with the Religious Courts of Indonesia; the State Islamic Universities of Jakarta and Yogyakarta, PEKKA, an NGO working with female heads of household in Indonesia and the Family Court of Australia.

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