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All Mahkamah Syar’iyahs in Aceh Endeavor to Improve Their Websites.

Wahyu Widiana accompanied by Chief and Vice Chief of the High Mahkamah Syar'iyah of Aceh

discuss the book titled "Courting Reform"

Banda Aceh, Badilag.net |22-03-2011|

“Give me five months; I am very sure that the websites in all Mahkamah Syar’iahs will develop very rapidly. I will endeavor to embody it”, Idris Mahmudi (Chief of the High Mahkamah Syar’iyah of Aceh) said to convince DG of Badilag, Monday (21/3/2011).

Wahyu Widiana performs a work visit to the High Mahkamah Syar’iyah of Aceh since Sunday (20/3/2011). He explains to all judges, chiefs of Mahkamah Syar’iyah and officials about the recent reform development. .

The Information Technology in Aceh

“I appreciate your strong will to improve our websites in all Mahkamah Syar’iyyahs in Aceh as well as what our colleague have achieved here. It is really a good job”, Wahyu Widiana conveys his support to Idris Mahmudi, the chief of the high Mahkamah Syar’iyah of Aceh.

Wahyu Widiana realizes that Aceh faces some serious challenges related to infrastructures and human resources in comparison with the other provinces in Indonesia. Therefore, it can be understood that Idris Mahmudi asks five months to improve the websites.


The new building of Mahkamah Syar'iyyah of Aceh

According to Wahyu Widiana, all Mahkamah Syar’iyyahs in Aceh have shown their great work performances. Cases increase five fold since 2001 to 2010. The numbers of cases in 2001 are 1,078 and in 2010 are 5,511. Most of cases are settled in appropriate time. “It is really a great job”, Wahyu Widiana appreciate it.

Regarding to the Information Technology, Wahyu Widiana suggests that all websites must provide a complete information and they must regularly be updated.


Wahyu Widiana plays tennis in the new tennis court

The Information Technology is not merely an accessory.

Wahyu Widiana emphasizes that the information technology is not merely an accessory. In fact, the usage of IT is aimed to support the main task of the Religious Courts. Websites provide some important information needed by the justice seekers.

Websites also promote our programs such as prodeo (waiving court fees), circuit court, and legal aid post. “We have to inform public that our programs run well”, Wahyu said. (raj).


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