The Eighth English Meeting Club:
All Religious Courts of Indonesia will Become Modern Courts
Wahyu Widiana (DG of Badilag, at the center), David S Sabin (left) and Markus B Zimmer (right)
“Acces to justice is still a serious problem through out the world. Among the problems of access to justice are violence against children, women as well as exploitation toward themselves without legal aid. There are many historical documents showing mass violence”, Markus B Zimmer said in English Meeting Club (EMC) held by Directorate General of the Religious Court (Badilag) on Thursday, at the Badilag’s meeting room, 6th floor. (14/4/2011).
English Meeting Club (EMC) is a routine program held by Badilag and it is is attended by about 40 participants from judges, officials and staff of some the Religious Court in South Sumatera, Lampung, Banten, West Java and Jakarta. It is opened by Wahyu Widiana, the Director General of Badilag, who is also a participant in this meeting.
Markus B Zimmer starts his presentation in English Meeting Club (EMC) by displaying some slides on violence against children and women happening in through out the world. “This tragic violence becomes the international concern on how to provide a wide access to justice for the people”, Zimmer said.
Mr. Achmad Cholil asks some questions to Zimmer and Anderson
“The American courts do not recognize the paper administration. My country has utilized the electronic administration”, Zimmer answers a question from a participant. “Everyone can access his or her case progress from his or her home”, Zimmer said.
“Case delay happens in most developing countries. It also happened in America in several years ago”, Zimmer said.
“In America, since 1939 the courts have their own authority to determine their budget”, Zimmer answers a question from Mr. Wahyu Widiana, the Director General of the Religious Courts. Therefore there is a quite different financial system between American Judicial and Indonesian Judicial. The Indonesian courts can not determining their the budget.
A participant from Magelang is very interested to know how to create a modern court administration in a developing country such as Indonesia. “to provide a adequate training for all judges, officials and staff will be the best way to embody a modern court administration”, Zimmer said." I believe Indonesia will have modern courts in the future".
According to Zimmer, Indonesian Courts face more difficult and serious challenge than other countries. Because, Indonesia has the wide geographical area and so many different cultures. “As far as I have observed, the Indonesian courts as well as the Religious Courts are very good’, Zimmer appreciates.
After a penal discussion finishes, Mr. Wahyu Widiana (DG of Badilag) appreciates all participant with their strong spirit to attend the program. “Keep learning and maintain your spirit because it is really very important”, Wahyu Widiana said. (raj).