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Badilag Prepares the Procedural Law for Shari’a Economy

From left, Drs. H. Purwosusilo, SH.MH, Prof.Dr. H. Abdul Manan, SH.S.IP,M.Hum, Drs.H. Farid Ismail, SH.MH, and Drs.H.Hidayattullah,MS.MH

Bogor, badilag.net (13/04)

After Directorate General of the Religious Courts (Badilag) succeeded to accomplish the compilation of Shari’a Economic Law, it holds a program on the Draft of Shari’a Economic Procedural Law, in Bogor from 13-14 of April this year. This program is attended by Prof.Dr.H. Abdul Manan, Sip, M.Hum, as an informant. This draft will be completely accomplished before 2011 will end.

“The presence the procedural law of Shari’a economic is urgently needed”, Drs. H. Farid Ismail, secretary of Directorate General of the Religious Courts said. “There are big needs to it. It is aimed to help all judges to settle the Shari’a economic cases”, he said in opening ceremony.


Drs. H. Hidayatullah also says the same thing on the importance of the procedural law of Shari’a economy. “It will be an important guide for judges to handle the cases related to Shari’a economy.


This program involves a team consisting of some experts on Shari’a economy, justices, vice chief of the High Religious Courts, judges at the High Religious Courts, and law practitioners.

All participants pay attentions seriously to the critique of the honorable Prof .Dr.Abdul Manan,SH.S.IP.M.Hum as a leader of the team

According to Drs. H. Zainuddin Fajari, S.H, M.H, a vice chief of High Religious Court of Jakarta, this program is based on the Decree Letter of Chief Justice on the team for the draft of Shari’a economic procedural law and its arrangement. This team uses some books as important references, from local books and the Middle East’s books.

“The Decree Letter of the Supreme Court becomes a legal base to arrange the daft. And our experience in making the compilation of Shari’a Economic Law in the past will be a valuable guide”, Zainuddin Fajari said.

Meanwhile Prof. Dr. H. Abdul Manan SH, Sip, M Hum, as the leader of the team says “the making of the daft must be in the line with the regulation issued such as on capital market, arbitration, endowment and etc. (raj).

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