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Written by Rahmat Arijaya on . Hits: 1446

People are Enthusiastic With Posbakum

Jakarta|badilag.net (10/7/2011)

Since March until May 2011, there have been approximately 8623 people obtaining benefits from the Legal Aid Post (Posbakum) provided in 46 Religious Courts through out Indonesia. Whereas, the Directorate of the Religious Courts has target for only 11,553 people served in Posbakum. It means that the target exceeds 300 percents from the target. It can be assumed that the total people utilizing Posbakum will reach 34,492 after 12 months.


Badilag itself, according to the Director Geneal of Badilag, Wahyu Widiana, in fact intends to provide the legal aid service for all people, but the budget is insufficient. The state only provides 3.8 billion for 46 Religious Courts in 2011.

“This is really incredible. We can see a great enthusiastic of Indonesian people to the existence of Posbakum”, Cate Summer said.

Cate Summber, a famous researcher from Australia explained that it will be a great investment for the Supreme Court to build and realize a great justice. “Let’s imagine as if someone of 34,492 people will tell the benefit of Posbakum to 5 other people, the number will be 172,460. And it will increase after several years. It is really amazing, isn’t it?”, she said.

Therefore, Cate Summer who is now involved in USAid project in Indonesia encourages the National Development Planning Agency (BAPPENAS) and the Supreme Court to increase the budget. “We need to increase the budget for the next year. We have to convince the BAPPENAS about that with the data we have”, she said.

Cate Summber and her friend, Sarah from USAid recently meet the Vice Chief Justice for Judicial Affairs, H. Abdul Kadir Mappong, SH and they intend to support the Supreme Court in conducting the bureaucracy reform.

Abdul Kadir Mappong agrees that the budget for Legal Aid Post must be increased. “We will try to make coordination with the National Development Planning Agency (BAPPENAS) on how to increase the budget for the next year.

On the other occasion, the Director General of Badilag, Wahyu Widiana said that Multi-Stakeholder Forum will be important in order all program for the poor can be well understood by all parties.  

He also appreciates Cate Summer and her colleagues for their attention to Posbakum.




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