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Written by Rahmat Arijaya on . Hits: 752

All Staffs and Apparatus of RC to Access SIMKEP

Jakarta|Badilag.net (03/08/2011)

The Directorate of Religious Courts (Badilag) has developed a web-based software of which is operated online throughout Indonesia. The program called SIMKEP (Sistem Informasi Manajemen Kepegawaian-the information system program on personnel management) is the new version of SIMPEG which is desktop-based software.

It is beneficially used to provide an accurate data for personnel management. Since Badilag will conduct some developmental programs including training for judges, registrars, and bailiffs, it needs a very accurate data. That’s why Badilag socialized the importance of this program to all Religious Courts in several weeks ago.


Now, all staffs and apparatus of all Religious Courts are encouraged to make some corrections for their own personnel data. If they find invalid data they can make some corrections or if the data is out of date, they will be able to update it by them selves. They are provided with a password of which can be easily changed.

It seems that all staffs and apparatus of the Religious Courts respond this program very well. There are at least 1000 staffs updating their personnel data every day even it reaches 2000 someday.
Badilag now has 600 administrators having a specific access to the program throughout Indonesia. They are well trained and permitted to validate the data.

According to Durminto, working at Sub Directorate data and Evaluation in Badilag, by using this new version of Simpeg, it is really easy to monitor whether Religious Courts often update their data or not.
“For the time being, we can assess that the High Religious Court of Makasar is more excellent than others in updating their data. Since July 27, the High Religious Court of Makassar has updated 320 staffs with 558 new items,” he said.

In the other occasion, Sunarto working at Sub Directorate of Fostering Religious Court Judicial Staffs in Badilag, stated that this program is very beneficial for promotion program particularly for judges.
“We are able to trace the career of judges including the training they obtain and their transfer as well,” he said.

To be more acquainted with the program, please visit http://simpeg.badilag.net/simkep.

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