Badilag Develops Arabic version of Shariah
Economic Law Compilation (KHES)
At the beginning of the Islamic New Year of 1433 AH, Religious Court recorded a success story by developing the Arabic version of Shariah Economic Law Compilation. A team consisted of seven judges was appointed to conduct the translation, namely Nasich Salam Suharto, LC., LLM. (Team Leader—a judge of Kalianda RC), Abdul Halim Soleh, LC., M.Ec. (a judge of Gunung Sugih RC), DR.Muh. Arasy Latif, MA., (a judge of Unaha RC), Mahrus Abdur Rohim, LC., MH. (a judge of Sanggau RC), Soleh Zainuddin, LC., MA. (a judge of Manna RC), Armansyah, LC., MH. (a judge of Rengat RC), and Edi Hudiata, LC. (a judge candidate of Tangerang RC).
The translation program of Shariah Economic Law Compilation which was officially opened by the head of general affairs of Badilag, Arif Gunawansyah, SH., MH., conducted at Endah Parahyangan Hotel, Bandung on November 30th to December 3rd. The team translated and discussed about 790 articles of the KHES.
. According to the team leader who is a special staff with Director General of Badilag for Middle East affairs, Directorate General of Badilag has already established communication with some Arab countries such as Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Qatar for the development of Islamic finance training for the religious court judges, so the existence of the Arabic version of KHES becomes very important, and can be used as the entry points to communicate with the countries in the Middle East region to cooperate in the field of law especially in the fields of Shariah economic law.
"Recently, Directorate General of Badilag has also been communicating with some other Arab countries including Jordan and Kuwait, because Kuwait has Ma'had 'Ali Lil qadha" Nasich added. "In addition, Directorate General of Badilag is exploring cooperation with Ma'had Al-Islami Lil Buhuts Wa t-Tadrib organized by IDB for the training of judges in the field of Islamic economic" Nasich Salam said.
The existence of a book entitled Majmu'atu Ahkamil Iqtishadil Islamiy or the Arabic version of KHES will be a historical record for the development and implementation of sharia economic law among the practitioners, academics community and the Shariah economic community particularly in Indonesia and the international community at large.
In the closing ceremony, the team leader representing the Secretary of the Directorate General of Badilag, hoped that Badilag continue working and creating useful works for the ummah, the community and nation.
(Mohammad Noor)