Talu Religious Court and Surabaya High Religious Court, the Most Ready for Automation
Jakarta | Badilag.net
There are five courts among the four judicatures, either at first instance or appeal court, which are assessed to be the most ready for automation. The five courts respectively are Military Court of Bandung, Religious Court of Talu, Religious Court of Kotabaru, Religious Court of Magelang, and Religious Court of Bengkayang.
Those were declared by the Hon. Suhadi in Jakarta last week when explained the result of the Survey on the Court Readiness for Automation.
“The courts with the highest scores would be the pilot project for the implementation of automation.” The Hon. Suhadi said.
The survey was conducted to all of the courts, either first instance or appeal courts, throughout Indonesia. The number of the courts surveyed are about 808 units.
. The method applied to collect the data was by questionniare distributed in the National Working Meeting (Rakernas) 2011 and announced through website.The questionnaire consisted of 42 questions. And the questions focused on respondent information, human resources, software, hardware, infrastructure, finance, and case management.
The survey conducted by the Supreme Court in cooperation with Change for Justice (C4J) USAID applied some indicators with specific scores. The courts with high scores are assumed to be ready to perform automation. And on the other hand.
Beside giving the ranks for the courts with highest scores among the four judicatures, the survey also ranked the courts based on their judicature and level of the court.
In the religious judicature, apart from the four courts, another court that has high score was Surakarta Religious Court.
Meanwhile in the appeal court level, Surabaya High Religious Court obtained the highest score, and followed by Pekanbaru HRC, Medan HRC, Bangka Belitung HRC, and Bandung HRC.
“525 units or 71.53 percents of the courts are ready for automation.” The Hon. Suhadi concluded.
The other conclusion, there were many courts have shortage of electricity or often have electricity problem.
There are 690 courts connected to the internet, but 276 courts have insufficient brandwidth.
“There are 488 courts stated they have less finance for IT.” The Hon. Suhadi said. The survey also mapped the staffs for IT. According to the Survey, the total staffs for IT are 4891. This means that on the average each court has 6 to 7 IT staffs.
[Mohammad Noor]