PA Maninjau Conducts Circuit Court
For the first time since it was planned in February, Wednesday (25 / 3) , The Religious Court of Maninjau held a circuit court. The Activity was led by Drs. Syafri, Vice chief judge of PA Maninjau .This activity took place in IV Koto Sub District, Regency of Agam. "We deliberately selected IV Koto Subdistrict because this region is one of the areas with the furthest reach in the jurisdiction of the Court after the District of Malalak ", says Vice Chief Judge to the team.
. The circuit court taking place at the KUA (The Sub-District Office of The Department of Religious Affairs) IV Koto Sub-District ran successfully. The panel of judges has successfully adjudicated 10 out of 11 cases most of which are Itsbat Nikah (Marriage legalization) cases. The Success of this activity is due to intensive coordination between the Religious Court of Maninjau and local Sub district office of the Department of Religious Affairs. High enthusiasm from the surrounding society witnessing the sessions of the circuit court seems to ‘force’ Religious Court of Maninjau to plan next circuit court. “We have to plan this circuit court more often because the people from this region are mostly poor. Besides, the transportation access to our office is quite difficult " Dra. Hj. Busmaniar, a member of the panel of judges insists.
The idea of carrying out a frequent circuit court must be fully understood since the daily incomes of these people are still low and they have to face a big obstacle (court fees and transportatioin) to come to the court. The comprehension of the need of circuit court is in line with the policy of the Supreme Court and Badilag in assuring public access to justice.
The officials joining this event are Drs. Syafri, Dra. Hj. Busmaniar, Dra. Niswati (judges), Wisri, S.Ag, Hasbi, SH, Drs. Mawardi, (subtitute registrar), H. Martias and Masrizon (substitute bailiff). Having been successful in providing legal services to justice seekers in a quite remote place seems to be a particular satisfaction to these apparatus. {comments}