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Written by Rahmat Arijaya on . Hits: 716

Badilag Urges all Religious Courts to Update Case Information Data



This figure shows important data on case information from all religious courts.

Jakarta | Badilag.net

The Directorate General of the Religious Courts (Badilag) urges all Religious Courts to continuously upload and update case information to www.infoperkara.badilag.net. After conducting a brief monitoring, the Directorate found that there were a lot of courts did not upload their case information data.

Case information data is extracted from an application of case management called SIADPA Plus. It provides detailed information on every case submitted to the courts. People are allowed to access data they need.

Irwansyah who is one officer in charge in implementation of this program said that it is worth in providing wide access to courts for people.

According to Tohir, who is one officer conducting the monitoring, the availability of updated case information is urgently needed by people; therefore all courts have to pay more attention to this matter.


. The Directorate is planning to create a paperless report. Some appeal courts will be pilot project. To implement this planning, the Directorate urges all courts to upload and update their case information data in three days.


Based on a monitoring, the High Religious Court of Jakarta had successfully uploaded case information. It has reached 100 percent.

(Rahmat Arijaya)


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