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Director General of Badilag Wins Top Leader on Digital Implementation 2021

Badilag, December 21, 2021

Tuesday, December 21, 2021 at the Rafless Hotel Jakarta at 14.30 WIB, Directorate General of the Religious Courts of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia officially received the award as the winner of the Top Digital Awards at Star level 4 and Dr. Drs. H. Aco Nur, S.H., M.H. The Director General of the Religious Courts at the same time was named the Top Leader on Digital Implementation 2021, Dr. Drs. H. Aco Nur, S.H., M.H.  was accompanied by Drs. H. Arief Hidayat, S.H., M.M. Secretary of the Directorate General of Religious Courts.

The award was organized by IT Work Indonesia magazine in collaboration with the Indonesian Ministry of Communication and Information, where this event has been running since 2014 until this year. This award is given to government agencies, private companies, companies that have succeeded in implementing digital systems to improve performance, quality and acceleration in implementing government programs for the realization of an advanced Indonesia, in all aspects of the life of the Indonesian people.

The awards given to the winners of digital implementation within their respective agencies have gone through several stages and assessments which were attended by 800 institutions, private sector, and governments throughout Indonesia which were assessed by the jury team consisting of independent and professional IT experts. In the evaluation stage they had criteria, Government agencies have good governance of information technology systems, have problem solving solutions in working with digital implementation, have a positive role to facilitate the running of the organization they lead, infrastructure according to the times and needs and can be developed in the future, have the latest application that can be emulated by other parties, both government and private agencies in order to strengthen the growth of the digital world of the Republic of Indonesia.

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