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2021 Performance Evaluation & Socialization of Priority Programs 2022

Jakarta | badilag.mahkamahagung.go.id

Wednesday, January 6, 2022, starting 2022, Directorate General of the Religious Courts hold a 2021 Performance Evaluation and Socialization of the 2022 Priority Program nationally. All leaders of the appellate courts and the first instance in the religious courts were joined online at Badilag Command Center. This event aims to review and evaluate the performance of all work units against the implementation of the work program that has been set by the Directorate General of Badilag in early 2021.

The event was chaired by the Director General of Badilag, Dr. Drs. H. Aco Nur, S.H., M.H., accompanied by all echelon II and echelon III officials of the Directorate General of Religious Courts. The Director General evaluates the performance of all work units related to case settlement based on the Case Tracking System (SIPP), the implementation of the Electronic Court (E Court), the success of mediation, the realization and absorption of the budget as well as the completeness of the court website.

The Director General also expressed his appreciation and gratitude to all religious court apparatuses who have worked very hard so that the religious courts can provide excellent service to the community and continue to move forward towards a great judiciary. He is also grateful for the achievements of the Directorate General of Religious Courts and Relgious High Courts and Relgious Courts in winning the titles of Corruption Free Are (WBK) and Clean Serving Bureaucratic Area (WBBM). This year 25 work units won the WBK predicate and 3 work units won the WBBM predicate.

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Jl. Jend. Ahmad Yani Kav. 58 ByPass Jakarta Pusat

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