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Buntok 09 May 2022. On ceremony morning Monday 9 May 202 Chief judge in Religious court of Buntok, Mustolich, S.H.I., M.H. gave appreciation to all employees in Religious Court of Buntok regarding the announcement of the results of the Performance Assessment of the Work Units in the Religious Courts Quarter 1 on April 28, 2022. "Alhamdulillah, our performance has increased, moreover, our ranking has increased quite significantly when compared to the previous quarter's performance," said Mustolich, S.H.I., M.H. For the Central Kalimantan region, Religious court of Buntok was ranked first in the Work Performance Assessment announced by Religious Judiciary.

Chief judge in Religious court of Buntok in particular also gave the highest appreciation to the Mediators Religious court of Buntok, namely Dr. Dani Ramdhani, S.H.I., M.H. and Mr. Abdulloh Mubarok Al Ahmady, S.H.I., M.E. He feel grateful and thankfully to these mediators of Religious court of Buntok that got a high score in the Mediation Work Performance Assessment. The mediation section score of the Religious Court of Buntok reached 7.5, this is the highest score compared to other religious courts. According to data, during 2022, the Religious court of Buntok has mediated 12 times, with details of 5 being successful with the revocation and the peace deed, 6 being partially successful and 1 still running.

Mediation in divorce cases is a challenging in itself because trying to soften a hard heart after fighting might takes months or even years, it is intricate, but increasing knowledge both physically and spiritually can produce satisfying results in 2022. In addition to divorce cases, the mediator of the Religious Courts of Buntok has also succeeded in resolving inheritance cases with an asset value of more than Rp. 1 billion, covering several lands and several houses, as well as several businesses that have been run by the heirs.

Furthermore, Chief judge in Religious court of Buntok gave advised that all employees in Religious court of Buntok could further improve their work performance, with regard to creating service innovations to the community, particularly . These innovations must be able to answer the challenges and obstacles that exist in the Religious court of Buntok and all these innovations should make it easier for the community to get excellent services. (bn)

The following is a link regarding the results of the announcement of the performance appraisal of work units within the Religious Courts Quarter I 2022: https://badilag.mahkamahagung.go.id/pengumuman-elektronik/pengumuman-elektronik/value-akhir-penilaian-prestasi-kinerja-work-unit-in-the-court-religious-quarter-i-year-2022-28-4

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