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PTA Gorontalo Aims for the Best

Director General for Badilag (front amid) flanked by Chief of PTA, Drs. H. Samarcondy Nawawi, SH (left) andVice Chief of PTA, Drs. H. Rodlin Afif, SH (right) along with judges and staff are posing in front of PTA’s magnificent office


Gorontalo, Badilag.net/english (24/7/2009) 

PTA (Pengadilan Tinggi Agama/High Religious Court) Gorontalo and all of its Religious Courts have lately been busy making every endeavor to exhibit respected and prestigious courts. Evident results of the simultaneous efforts on developing physical facilities, human resources, general administration, case administration and judicial affairs are beginning to show.


That is the impression the Director General for Religious Judicature Body in the Supreme Court, Wahyu Widiana, got from his one-day official visit to Gorontalo Thursday (23/7). Tight schedule did not seem to wear down the Director General who had to be fully alert from morning until before midnight. He started his visit by attending a National Seminar held by IAIN (State Institute for Islamic Studies) Sultan Amai Gorontalo. As a speaker of the seminar, Wahyu gave a detailed explanation on the problems surrounding the determination of the first date of Moslem months.


He then continued to visit offices of PTA and PA (Religious Court) Gorontalo City and afterwards observed construction progress of official housing. In the evening Wahyu attended a dialogue with judges, PTA’s officials and PAs’ officials throughout Gorontalo Province.

 “I hope PTA Gorontalo can be a model PTA,” asked Wahyu in his dialogue with the Chief Judge of PTA and all his officials and staff. Wahyu further said it was not impossible for PTA Gorontalo to be the best due to its potential as long as quality development and enhancement were consistently maintained along with support from its staff.

“I am quite satisfied with the development of PTA Gorontalo,” Wahyu told badilag.net while recounting the development achieved.

PTA’s Building as a Pride

Officially dedicated last year, the PTA building which was built with a fairly little fund looks sturdy and magnificent. The office architecture is no less attractive although situated among other governmental buildings such as the Provincial Attorney Office, Human Rights and Law Dept. Office and the office of BPOM (Medicine and Food Provision Board). The office of High Court is being constructed two blocks from the PTA’s while on its right a BPK (State Audit Board) building is soon going to be the neighbor.

PTA’s building, located on 6.000 m2, has a unique indoor design. It is like other court buildings from the outside but totally different from the inside.

Entering the main door, guests will directly see a lobby with Receptionist Desk on its left side and a spacious room with two big lavish stairways circling left and right leading to the second floor. In this lobby, a wide plasma TV has been installed as an information media for guests.

“This is a quite proud building,” Wahyu Widiana told Samarcondy when together stepping into the building. Wahyu however in a Dialogue Session warned that the glorious building along with the available facilities alone is not enough to bring out an esteemed and prestigious court without improving public services that will lead to justice seekers’ satisfaction.

Regarding Wahyu’s expectation, Samarcondy explained the progress of his office. “We are currently strengthening internal solidity among judges and staff. We are also initiating communication and coordination externally with High Court, Provincial Attorney Office, Regional Police, Local Government, etc,” said Samarcondy adding those efforts are to ensure excellent services to the public.


Lobby of PTA’s Gorontalo Office


Administrative and Judicial Skills

Samarcondy, who was once a ‘student’ of Hensyah Syahlani, an outstanding expert on Court Administration and Procedural Law, explained that PTA Gorontalo persistently encourages all its PAs’ officials and staff to develop the mastery of Administrative and Judicial Skills.

“We firstly unify high court judges’ perceptions on the Administrative and Judicial Issues before undertaking evaluation and development to the PAs,” Samarcondy continued enthusiastically. “We are even ready to compete with other PTAs on those matters,” he expressed confidently.

Wahyu Widiana responded positively to the challenge of this energetic PTA Chief. Wahyu explained that last June Badilag set up monitoring teams on Administrative and Procedural Law for 24 PTAs all over Indonesia but he admitted the Badilag team has not yet reached PTA Gorontalo. “Then just be prepared because we will soon deploy a team to monitor here,” said Wahyu.

Wahyu Widiana really expects that PTA Gorontalo keeps on its attempts to organize and develop all aspects to uphold respected and prestigious religious courts. And that is not an impossible thing to achieve since the PTA only manages 3 PAs (Religious Courts) with small case load. “PTA Gorontalo should therefore be capable of making its jurisdiction as one of the best PTAs,” insisted Wahyu closing his interview with badilag.net. (Adli Minfadli Robby/cho).

Office Address

Supreme Court Secretariat Building  (Lt. 6-8)

Jl. Jend. Ahmad Yani Kav. 58 ByPass Jakarta Pusat

Telp: 021-29079177 
Fax: 021-29079277

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