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Prof. Mark Cammack:

www.badilag.net has been a big help

Jakarta, Badilag.net/english (5/8/2009)

Prof. Mark Cammack, a law professor of Southwestern Law School Los Angeles, California, acknowledged that Badilag’s website had been very helpful for him to search data and most recent information about Religious Courts in Indonesia.

“www.badilag.net has been a very big help for me,” he said.

The Professor, who is very familiar to Religious Court, visited his old friend, the Director General of Badilag, Wahyu Widiana this morning (5/8) at West Pegangsaan Street, Jakarta.

“I access the Badilag’s website all the time. This site always renews its data and information on the development of Religious Courts throughout Indonesia,” he said.


It is no wonder that the Doctor graduating with Cum Laude from University of Wisconsin USA, felt happy because Islamic law study, especially its development in Indonesia, is one of his main concerns. Lecturing and undertaking research on this matter need most recent data of Religious Court and Islamic law in general. And Badilag.net is one of the answers.

Wahyu Widiana informed his colleague the recent development of Indonesian Religious Courts including after one-roof system. Interestingly, Prof. Mark is well-informed about the Courts development that he obtained from badilag.net and other sources.

“Badilag.net is really fast in updating,” he said.

Wahyu Widiana also ‘promoted’ badilag.net English version to the Professor who productively writes books and articles on Islamic Law. Mark Cammack promised to visit the English version website and leave his comments there.

Study on the application of Inheritance and Marital Property Law.

Prof. Mark Cammack, the host of short course for Religious Court in Southwestern Law School LA three years ago, will have been for 6 months conducting a research in Indonesia, starting early next year. Among of his main studies will be the case handling of inheritance and marital property law in Religious Courts.

“I will probably undertake the research in Aceh, Medan, Mataram and Makasar in addition to giving lectures at postgraduate program of UIN (State Islamic University) Jakarta,” he said while adding that he needed prerequisite data on case statistic of the respective regions.

It is obvious that, based on the case statistic provided by Head Statistic Section in Dir. Gen. Badilag, Chrisnayeti, SH, those regions handled inheritance cases far more than any other regions.

Judgment Publication on Religious Courts’ Websites.

Wahyu Widiana responded well to the Professor’s research. Wahyu asked all related Religious Courts to proportionally assist this research.

“The research is very critical to improve the Courts’ judgments which will in turn lead to justice seekers’ satisfaction,” he said.

Furthermore, Wahyu urged all Religious Courts to immediately publish their judgments on the websites. “The judgment publication should be then in line with the applying regulations such as the Decree of Supreme Court Chairman No. 144/2007,” he added.

Judgment publication will have an extraordinary effect on court client service, quality of upcoming verdict, and transparency as well as court image.Publishing judgments on the internet is also useful for academic study like what Prof. Mark Cammack frequently does. (Adli Minfadli Robby/cho)

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