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Association of Sharia Intellectuals and Scholars (HISSI) to launch i-syari’ah Journal this Ramadhan

Director General of Badilag: Sharia alumni are well-qualified to compete

i-syari’ah journalists interview Director General of Badilag, Wahyu Widiana, at his working room.

 Jakarta | badilag.net/english (11/8)

Association of Indonesian Sharia Intellectuals and Scholars (Himpunan Ilmuan dan Sarjana Syari’ah Indonesia/HISSI) which held its first National Congress December last year is beginning to show its existence. The organization headed by Prof. Dr. H. M. Amin Suma, MA, SH, MM now possesses a journal, i-syari’ah, that will be launched soon before Ramadhan. Journalists of the journal visited the Director General of Badilag, Wahyu Widiana, this Tuesday morning (11/8).

Answering some questions proposed by i-syariah’s journalists, Wahyu Widiana explained the most recent development of Religious Court after one-roof system under the Supreme Court. He said graduates of sharia faculty, now accommodated in HISSI, could show their excellent capability and moreover compete equally with their counterparts from other law faculty alumni in the Supreme Court.

“One chairman in the Supreme Court is in fact a sharia graduate. He was chosen not by appointment but through direct election within plenary session of Supreme Justices.”


“In addition, the new competency of Religious Court to handle sharia economy cases indirectly shows that there is a strong trust to sharia scholars,” Wahyu added.

HISSI is an organization for sharia intellectuals, scholars, academics and officials as well as financial practitioners. Amin Suma in HISSI’s first National Conference last year mentioned that this group of people was outnumbered but not yet well-accommodated.

“HISSI attempts to accommodate them to collectively advance the country,” Amin Suma said as reported by www.uinjkt.ac.id.

Wahyu Widiana considers Religious Court as one of the major posts for sharia alumni.

“The Law stipulates that judges of Religious Courts are sharia scholars, making Religious Courts (PA) as one of the main posts,” Wahyu told badilag.net before interview with HISSI journalists.

Wahyu, also a member of Central Leadership Board of HISSI, highly appreciates the presence of the organization. He said as a knowledge-oriented organization HISSI played similar roles to Badilag in enhancing professionalism of its personnel. Wahyu hoped sharia alumni, judges and others could participate in this organization either directly or indirectly.
Wahyu also hoped that HISSI could accommodate the most recent progress of the practice world in order to apply sharia theories and knowledge. He exemplified Mediation as a must-be-available institution in civil courts.

“Mediation is now an institution that must be available in every hearings of civil cases. It’s an open opportunity for sharia scholars to be mediators, and HISSI can prepare these mediators,” Wahyu said. (asnoer/cho)

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