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Director General: Courts Must Focus on Court Excellence

Director General of Badilag, Wahyu Widiana (center), Chief of PTA Manado, Aminullah Amit (right) and Vice Chief of PTA, Fachrori Umar (left)


Manado, badilag.net/english (14/08/2009)

All leaderships within Religious Courts under PTA (High Religious Court) Manado are asked to develop and implement Court Excellence concepts in carrying out their daily tasks.

Director General of Badilag, Wahyu Widiana demanded this when opening RAKERDA (Rapat Kerja Daerah/Regional Working Meeting) of PTA Manado, North Sulawesi and its subordinate Religious Courts last night (13/8) at PTA Manado’s hall.

Wahyu further insisted that applying the Court Excellence principles would automatically embody justice seekers’ satisfaction and regain public trust.


Seven Areas of Court Excellence

To achieve an excellent court, Wahyu said, all had to focus on what had been formulated by an international consortium which was widely known as International Framework for Court Excellence.

The Framework created Seven Areas of Court Excellence; (1) Court Management and Leadership, (2) Court Policies, (3) Human, Material and Financial Resources, (4) Court Proceedings, (5) Client Needs and Satisfaction, (6) Affordable and Accessible Court Services, and (7) Public Trust and Confidence.

The Framework was aimed to assess and measure a court’s performance and at the same time develop the quality of its services and administration to achieve excellent public services.

“This Framework is essentially the same as ‘Excellent Services’ that we have been applying so far. It’s just that the Framework is more detailed and measurable,” said Wahyu Widiana before the forum attended by leaderships, judges and structural officials of PTA Manado and its subordinate Courts.

Leadership is a driver.

Wahyu mentioned the determinant factor in achieving success of Court Excellence implementation was leadership within Courts. Indeed, other elements were also vital but the leadership role was above all.

“I therefore expect all leaderships of PTA and PA (Religious Court) to make themselves as motivators, inspiring persons, and activators in achieving the goals of this Court Excellence,” Wahyu said.

“Leadership must show a role model in the discipline of conducting daily tasks,” he added.

Leadership had to pay much attention and provide guidance on how to perform main duties and evaluate what had been achieved, the Director General added.

“The usage of advanced information technology in assisting our tasks and ensuring transparency for instance, won’t gain optimum results without sufficient attention from the leaderships,” said Wahyu.

 “Material and financial resources will not guarantee to achieve goals of Court Excellence.”

Various Competitions and Events in the Rakerda

The Regional Working Meeting of PTA Manado was followed by various activities from technical scientific one like seminar on dealing with sharia economy cases to entertaining ones such as tennis tournament, futsal competition, and other games.

“This coincides with commemorating our country’s 64th independence,” Chief of PTA Manado, Aminullah Amit said.

The competitions and entertaining games involved not just Courts personnel but also their wives and children.

Vice Chief of PTA Manado, Fachrori Umar, added that competition of model PA and model officer were also contested. “The contest is still on progress, so we can not yet announce the winners,” he said.

“This competition is to strengthen our solidity so as to improve our performance,” said chairman of the committee, Lazuardi.

Interestingly, amid these varied activities PTA Manado officially dedicated the first construction of a prayer room (musholla) measured 90 m2 within PTA premises. Chief of the construction committee, Sofyan Alwie Lahilote said the building was self-funded and hoped to be ready for use by the end of this year.

“The prayer room is planned to have two stories with the first floor as a multi-functional room,” Lahilote explained.

 “Amazing,” Wahyu unconsciously mumbled.

“We need to ‘market’ this to all PTAs and PAs all over Indonesia. These activities are immensely beneficial,” Wahyu told the leaderships and judges flocking around him after officially opening tennis tournament. (Adli Minfadli Robby/cho)

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