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The Number of Cases Tends to Increase Every Year

Jakarta l Badilag.net

According to the annual report of the Directorate General of the Religious Courts, during 2011, the religious courts of first instance received 363,041 cases. This number increases around 13.17 percent than previous year with 320,788 cases.

In 2011, the Religious Courts had to settle 425,937 cases. It included 62,896 pended cases of the previous year.

There were 20.350 cases in which were revoked by parties. The Religious Courts had succeeded in settling 333,368 cases in 2011. At the end of the year, there were still 72,219 cases in which were not finalized.

Some Religious Court in East Java become at the top rank during 2011 for the most cases received. 38 Religious Courts in jurisdiction of the High Religious Court of Surabaya, received 93,532 cases.
On the other hand, Religious Courts in East Nusa Tenggara received 424 cases only.



Hatta Ali will Endeavor to Increase Remuneration to 100 Percent

Jakarta | badilag.net

Hatta Ali promised to fight in increasing remuneration to 100 percent. It will be his priority program after he is inaugurated as the new Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Hatta Ali who won the election had not been inaugurated yet.

“From 2007 till now, the Supreme Court has been gaining 70 percent of remuneration. The salary for judges did not increase meanwhile salary for public servant increase 7-8 times,” he said after the election in a press conference at Kusumaatmadja Room, on Wednesday (8/2/2012).

According to Hatta Ali, a proper salary will positively influence the performance of work.

“It’s undeniable that good welfare will create a convenient in work,“ he said.


Hatta Ali Elected as the Chief Justice


Jakarta | badilag.net

Dr. H. M. Hatta Ali, SH, MH won a democratic election for chief justice of the Supreme Court on Wednesday (02/08/2012). The election was held in a special plenary meeting in Kusuma Atmadja Room.

There were 54 justices attending the election. Hatta Ali got 28 votes, defeating Dr. H. Ahmad Kamil, SH, M. Hum who 15 votes.

Three other justices who were also gaining votes are H. Abdul Kadir Mappong, SH (4 votes), Dr. H. Mohammad Saleh, SH, MH (3 votes) and Prof. Dr. Paul E Loutulung, SH (1 votes). Meanwhile, the third ballots were declared invalid.

The election was conducted in accordance with the Decree of the Chief Justice No.19/KMA/SK/II/2012 on Election Code of  Chief Justice. According to article 7 (4) of the Decree, a candidate would win the election if he could gain 50 percent plus one vote.


Attention to Person With Disability

Jakarta | badilag.net
English Meeting Club (EMC) belongs to the Directorate General of the Religious Courts held a discussion on access to justice for people with disabilities, Tuesday (31/1/2012). The Club invited a justice of the Supreme Court, the Hon. Syamsul Ma’arif, SH, LLM, Ph.D and Nicola Colbran, the program director of Australia-Indonesia Partnership for Justice (AIPJ) as the speakers in that discussion.

The discussion was attended by more than 50 members consisting of judges from the first courts and the appeal. It was the ninth meeting held by Badilag.

Public Trust

In his presentation, the Hon. Syamsul Ma’arif mentioned some obstacles faced by people in getting access to courts. They include formalistic of law, high cost, abundant law and insufficient information.

According to him, the obstacles will bring about the decrease of public trust toward courts. The demonstration of labors which happened in a toll was an example. They did not bring their problem to courts whereas they boycotted.

“It clearly indicates that they do not trust to courts,” he said.


Vice Chief Justice Appreciated the Contribution of the University

Yogyakarta | badilag.net

Vice Chief Justice for Non-Judicial Affairs, the Honorable Dr. H. Ahmad Kamil, SH, M.Hum was a keynote speaker in a national seminar entitled "Mediation and the Legal Aid in the Religious Court", conducted in Prof. Muzakir room, Faculty of Islamic Studies, Indonesian Islamic University of Yogyakarta, Saturday (01/21/2012).

As a keynote speaker, Ahmad Kamil expressed his appreciation to the Dean of Faculty of Islamic Studies, H. Dadan Muttaqien, SH, M. Hum, for the seminar."The initiative of Faculty of Islamic Studies, Indonesian Islamic University  of Yogyakarta must be appreciated. The seminar is a form of the university’s attention towards the prioritized programs of the Supreme Court." He said.

Ahmad Kamil hopes that the national seminar can produce important recommendations to advance the implementation of mediation and legal aid.

The national seminar was officially opened by the Rector of UII Yogyakarta, Prof. Dr. Edy Suandi Hamid, M. Ec and was attended by a number of Religious Courts judges, lawyers, academicians, some chiefs of religious courts and high religious courts. The speakers at the seminar were the Honorable Dr. H. Habiburrahman, SH, SIP, M. Hum (the Supreme Court Justice), Wahyu Widiana (Director General of Religious Court), Dr. Edi Riyadi, SH, MH (the Junior Registrar for Religious Civil Affairs of the Supreme Court), and H. Dadan Muttaqien, SH, M. Hum (Dean of the Faculty of Islamic Studies of UII Yogyakarta).


Office Address

Supreme Court Secretariat Building  (Lt. 6-8)

Jl. Jend. Ahmad Yani Kav. 58 ByPass Jakarta Pusat

Telp: 021-29079177 
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