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The 76th MARI Anniversary: ​​Official Ceremony & MARI Award 2021


The Supreme Court is entering its 76th anniversary this year. The birthday of the Supreme Court falls on August 19, 2 days after the anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Indonesia.

In commemoration of the MA anniversary held several activities. The first activity was a official ceremony led by Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia, Prof. Dr. H.M. Syarifuddin, S.H., M.H. The semi-virtual ceremony was held in the courtyard of the Supreme Court building, attended by the leaders and structural officials (Ecolon I) of the Supreme Court and by all personals of the four judicial branches throughout Indonesia through the Zoom and Youtube channel.

Meanwhile, the leadership of the Directorate General of the Religious Courts, lead by Secretary of the Directorate General of Badilag, Drs. Arif Hidayat, S.H., M.M., along with Director of Technical Personnel Development, Dr. Chandra Boy Seroza, S.Ag., M.Ag. and Director of Administration Development, Dr. Drs. Nurdjannah Syaf, S.H., M.H., judicial judges and echelon III took part in the virtual ceremony through the Badilag Command Center.

The theme that was brought up by the Supreme Court on this anniversary was "Strengthening the Independence of the Judiciary through Information Technology-Based Legal Services During Covid-19 Pandemic". In his speech, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court said that independence is the pulse of justice enforcement, therefore the use of Information Technology should be directed as much as possible for the independence of the judiciary.

On this occasion, the Supreme Court received a special gift on his birthday, namely the screening of a film entitled Meaningful Messages. This film is about a young judge with integrity who struggles with various kinds of trials in carrying out his duties as a judge. The film is adapted from the book D.Y. Witanto entitled Notes Behind the Red Toga. Witanto himself is a judge who currently serves as an assistant to the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.

This film was made professionally, Dony Alamsyah, an professional actor plays Dimas, a young judge with very good character. Dimas' stubbornness in refusing bribes when his mother was seriously ill and needed money for surgery is at the heart of this simple but captivating plot. This film, directed by Orista Primadewa, in collaboration with the Supreme Court's Legal and Public Relations Bureau and Emtek Digital, is dedicated to all judicial personnel who have dedicated their lives to upholding law and justice. (ahb)


The Coordination Meeting of the Directorate General of Religious Courts (Badilag) in 2021 took theme "Religious Courts Towards a World Class Bureaucracy”. One of the first steps to realizing this goal is to prepare human resources, the Directorate General of Religious Courts caried out the International Standard Judicial Administration Guidance (integrated Quality Assurance Accreditation program) which is held for 3 days online (virtual) from 16 to 18 March 2021.

Dr. Aco Nur, S.H., M.H., Directore General of Religious Courts said that the first background that underlies the implementation of this activity is that the current APM Advisors and Assessors are those who were recruited in the 2017 - 2018 period with material focus on management quality that adopts the ISO 9001-2015 standard, while currently there are many other issues that must be taken into account, including the issue of Anti-Bribery management which already has international standards, namely ISO 37001-2016, including demands for Bureaucratic Reform / Integrity Zone, so that understanding and knowledge needs to be adjusted.

The need for a supervisor for the implementation of quality assurance accreditation in each region is very much needed, given the very wide area coverage, besides the promotion and transfer of officials in the religious courts is quite high, so that in some areas there is a shortage of supervisors and assessors and the continuity of the implementation of APM in the satker is still far away. 

The aim of this technical guidance is to increase the knowledge and understanding of APM assessors about International Standard Judicial Management, increase the number of APM Assessors, and add Supervisors (Quality Assurance Accreditation Trainer) within the Religious Courts.

This activity was attended by participants of assessors and prospective assessors / advisors including Judges of Religious High Court, Judges of Religious Courts, Registrars and Secretaries. 

Dr. Drs H. Aco Nur, SH, MH officially opened the technical guidance / Training for Quality and International Standard Judicial Administration (Quality Assurance Accreditation) in 2021. In his remarks, the Director General of Badilag expressed his gratitude to the speaker Mr. Ainun Najib, where this activity forms human resources who will become organizational evaluators who evaluate the development and programs of our organization called assessors. 

Supreme Court Holds Webinar: LPDP Scholarships for Judicial Apparatus


Taking place at the Command Center of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia, on Friday, November 6th 2020, LPDP Scholarship Webinar for Judicial Apparatus was held. The webinar was held by the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia in collaboration with the Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education. 

This event is a follow-up to the results of a recent hearing between the LPDP and the Supreme Court, where it was known that the interest and enthusiasm of the judicial apparatus to continue their studies to a higher level, both Masters and Doctoral degrees are quite high every year, however, there are still very few who take advantage of the LPDP scholarships that the government provides each year.

The webinar opens at 09.00 WIB. By the Deputy Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia for Non-Judicial Matter, The Hon. Dr. H. Sunarto S.H., M.H . In his remarks, he expressed his support for the implementation of this webinar and expressed the importance of the human resource development process in the judicial reform system. "The Indonesian Supreme Court places improving the quality of human resources as part of one of the Supreme Court's missions as stated in the 2010-2035 Judicial Reform Blueprint." He said.

Acting Secretary of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia, Dr. Drs. H. Aco Nur, S.H., M.H. In the introduction to the discussion, stated that this Webinar aims to provide information and encouragement for judicial apparatus who wish to continue their studies at the best universities, both domestic and abroad, looking for a possible scheme for permanent and sustainable cooperation between the Supreme Court and the LPDP in an educational scholarship program in order to improve the quality of human resources of judicial staff.

Dwi Larso, PhD, Director of the LPDP Scholarship, attended as a speaker, discussing various things about the LPDP. "I am still confused, why since it was first opened since 2012, only about 20 people have registered from the judiciary, and only 2 have received scholarships," he said opening the discussion.

Dwi Larso explained about the history of the LPDP, the types of scholarships offered, the qualifications of applicants that can be accepted, the scope of the scholarships provided, the universities as well as tips and tricks for winning scholarships.

The enthusiasm of the judicial apparatus to participate in this event was so great, there were 910 participants who participated in this event through the Zoom application in a virtual manner, consisting of leaders, high judges, judges and judicial staff from 4 judicial branches throughout Indonesia. Many questions were raised in the discussion and were answered thoroughly by the speaker. (ahb)

International Dialogue:

Post-Divorce Rights of Women and Children in Three Countries

Jakarta, 02/10/2020. The Directorate General of Religious Court (Dirjen Badilag) together with Australia Government held an international dialogue with the theme “Developments and Challenges in Fulfilling the Rights of Women and Children in Various Countries.” The dialogue was presented to provide new knowledge about the importance of the role of the judge, as well as to exchange the experiences and the ideas between Indonesia, Malaysia and Australia.

The dialogue started at 08.00 WIB with a thousand participants from both general and religious courts. It was also assembled by public participants via Zoom. To provide broader access, the Directorate General of Religious Court (Ditjen Badilag) invited several competent speakers.

The Director of the Development of Technical Personnel of Badilag, Mr. Candra Boy Seroza, S.Ag., M.Ag, as the moderator opened the dialogue hospitably. He greeted the participants enthusiastically who were ready to grasp the lectures.

The opening speech was spoken by the Director of Badilag Mr. Drs. Dr. Aco Nur, S.H., M.H live.

In his opening speech, the Director explained the result of the research in 2018 which was conducted by the Directorate General of Badilag and Australia Government together with Australia Indonesia Partnership for Justice 2 (AIPJ2), several research institutions and colleges towards 508.276 of religious court verdicts. Within 2018, about 447.417 divorce cases were registered to religious court throughout Indonesia. Which was 70% of them were registered by wives. It was found out that only 1% from the cases includes the wife’s living suit and less than 1% includes marital property claim. Meanwhile, only 2% of the cases includes child custody lawsuit and only 1% includes child’s living suit. Whereas, 95% from the divorce cases involve under 18 year old children. If the average of each family has two children, at least 850.000 children effected by the divorce per annum.

The Director concludes there are three possibilities cause this reality. Firstly, the women and children rights may have been fulfilled. Secondly, the disputants do not understand their rights and how to sue their rights. And thirdly, they have been pessimistic toward the court process and knowing the complex mechanism.

“The webinar is our endeavour implementing the Article of 28 B section 2 of Undang-Undang Dasar NKRI 1945. It is stated that every child has the right to live, grow and develop and has the right to protection from violation and discrimination. Our effort today represents all children throughout Indonesia to fight for their rights collectively to build the nation and the country at the future.” Stated the Director.

Leisha lister, the senior advisor of AIPJ2, provides the introduction and context to the dialog. Followed by Dato Dr. H. Mohd Na’im Bin Mokhtar, the Head of Hakim Syar’i/Ketua Pengarah Jabatan Kehakiman Syariah-Malaysia, shared the experiences that have been being implemented in Malaysia on how to fulfil the women and children right after divorce.

The government of Malaysia formed an institution namely Bagian Sokongan Keluarga (BSK). The institution was formed based on the urging of the civil society. They hope for the proactive and effective institution concerning for the people who disobey the court’s judgments. The existence of the institution is appreciated by the society as a smart and precise problem solving about the execution of court orders.

BSK officers are responsible to execute the orders of living payment issued by the court. They are charged to do foreclosure, debt transfer and coercion. “BSK also provides preliminary funding for child support service. It such a bailout which was given during the court process to guarantee the child’s living keep going.” Explained Dato Muhammad Naim.  From Child Support Agency of Australia, Bret Walker-Robert shared about child support institution in Australia. Bret started his explanation with the situation in Australian back in 1980. More than thirty years ago, at late of nineteen eighties, the government of Australia had been observing the growth of single parent family, poverty of women and children, the low number of parent without children custody, the low amount of child’s living decided by court and the low number of court judgement execution. 

At that moment, the main problem Australia was around the high number of children effected by the divorce. The children became susceptible both in family and society. The worst condition is they are vulnerable of being abandoned, dropping out of school, getting involved or getting violence. Therefore, the government took the initiative to solve this issue.

There two scheme of the child’s living guarantee after divorce. Firstly, at June 1st 1988 the issuing of Child Support Act 1988 No. 3 which rules about the registration and collection of livelihood obligation by the government. The act is followed by Child Support (Assessment) Act 1989 No. 124 on October 1st 1989 that introduced a form about the methodology on how to calculate and rate the obligation of parent toward children support.

In this international dialogue, there were also responders to gain the point of view and input that related to the topic. There were Justice Margareth Cleary from Australia, Dra. Hj. Pelita Dewi, S.H., M.Hum from woman workgroup of Mahkamah Agung RI, Dr. Ifa Sudewi from Kemudahan Berusaha workgroup and Prahesti Pandanwangi, SH, Sp.N, LLM from Bappenas.

Prahesti Pandanwangi, as the Director of Law and Regulation of Bappenas gave her input and respond that support the existence of the government to strengthen the role of judiciary institution with the huge number of human resources. “We will remap and find out the best way to solve the issue.” She said.

The dialogue continued to the question and answer session from the webinar participants. A lot of questions were coming out from the participants show the great enthusiasm from various circles. The dialogue ended up at 11.15 WIB. The recorded broadcast is available at Badilag MA RI YouTube channel. (ahb/dh)

Director General of Badilag Opened the Fit and Proper Test for Clerk Candidate of Religious High Court/ Mahkamah Syar’iyah Aceh Virtually

fit pro panitera

Located in Badilag Command Center at the Secretariat General Building of Mahkamah Agung floor six, on Tuesday, September 1st 2020, the Director General of Badilag, Dr. Aco Nur, S.H., M.H. officially opened the Fit and Proper Test for Clerk Candidate of Religious High Court/ Mahkamah Syar’iyah Aceh Virtually. The test was also attended by the second echelon official within Directorate General of Badilag and Head of Religious High Court/ Mahkamah Syar’iyah Aceh. It was broadcasted live streaming through Ditjen Badilag Youtube Channel. So, the test was available to be watched by all of apparatus of religious courts from all over Indonesia.

Starting his speech, Mr. Aco Nur, S.H., M.H stated that all the participants of the test consists of Clerk of Religious Court form Grade 1A as well as junior clerk at religious high court/ Mahkamah Syar’iyah Aceh. All of them were 43 participants. The Director also implied that these chosen participants are the best clerks amongst clerks from all religious court in Indonesia. They have been through all the selection process. Started from the administration selection and also rating terms of their work unit. The selection included SIPP reports, quarterly reports, Zona Integritas status, and also quorum. Such strict selection was required to guarantee the excellent quality, integrity and also to enhance the image of religious court in the future.

The Director added that all of us are appreciated by the Head of Supreme Court of Indonesia in gaining of innovation and the latest breakthrough in middle of COVID 19 pandemic. Yet, our directorate still can perform proud achievement and get our institution lives up to its good name. The Director is hoping very much to the High Court of Religious Court / Mahkamah Syar’iyah Aceh and all of the work units in within to respond with alacrity against the demands of the era and serve the best for the justice seekers especially in the environment of religious court. The innovation that has been developed was aimed to achieve the vision and mission of the Directorate General of Religious Court.

“Let us show our good performance. Serve justice seekers with maximum service, so we are always on the right track.’ Said the Director. He also advised to all of the test participant to make good use of this opportunity. This is the time to develop career. He also pray for the best to all of the test participant. Wish them very good luck. (ahb/dh)

Office Address

Supreme Court Secretariat Building  (Lt. 6-8)

Jl. Jend. Ahmad Yani Kav. 58 ByPass Jakarta Pusat

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