Hatta Ali Elected for Second Term As Supreme Court Chief justice
Jakarta | English.badilag.net (16/2/2017)
Prof. Dr. H. M. Hatta Ali, SH, M. H. has been reelected as the Chief justice of the Indonesia Supreme Court in the elections held in Prof. Koesoemah Atmaja Supreme Court Building , Medan Merdeka Utara, Tuesday (14.02.2017).
Out of 47 justices in the Supreme Court, Hatta received 38 votes, making him the chief justice for the period of 2017 to 2022. He bested justice Andi Samsan, who received seven votes, and justices Suhadi and Mukti Arto, each of whom received one vote.
"I would like to thank to all court leaders that under the Supreme Court. It's all part of our mutual success in developing and raising the Supreme Court”. I hope the mandate that given to me to lead the Supreme Court can be a momentum for us in increasing cooperation and synergy that so far we have built and well maintained.
He also invites all judicial citizens to establish a judicial determination to achieve the vision of the Supreme Court in realizing a great Indonesian courts.
Suwardi as Chief Election Committee who is also Vice Chief Justice of the Supreme Court for Non Judicial affairs hope the Chief Justice to support and implement the programs together with the other leaders to achieve the vision and mission of the Supreme Court.