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Assalaamualaikum Wr. Wb. Welcome to the official website of the Directorate General of the Religious Courts. This website was created as a means to provide various information specifically related to the main tasks and functions of the Directorate General of the Religious Courts.


Legal Aid is legal services that are provided by Legal Aid Providers for Free to Legal Aid Recipients. Legal Aid recipients are people or groups of poor people who cannot properly and independently fulfill basic rights who face legal problems

  • man agent

  • Office Address

    Supreme Court Secretariat Building  (Lt. 6-8)

    Jl. Jend. Ahmad Yani Kav. 58 ByPass Jakarta Pusat

    Telp: 021-29079177 
    Fax: 021-29079277

    Email Redaksi : dokinfo.badilag@gmail.com
    Email Ditjen : ditjen.badilag@mahkamahagung.go.id