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Deputy Chief Justice, Andi Syamsu Alam:

Modern Society must be served with modern working facilities

Bandung | badilag.net/english (3/11)

Deputy Chief Justice for Religious Courts Affairs, Andi Syamsu Alam, said that courts need to respond to the need of modern society of more modern working facilities of the Indonesian courts. Andi stressed this statement when giving an address at the meeting of improving working facilities within Indonesian Religious Courts in Bandung (29/10)

He further said that modernizing Indonesian Courts has been a national agenda of the Supreme Court since a couple of years ago.

Based on his personal experiences of comparative studies in several foreign countries, Indonesia, Andi said, needs to adopt the usage of modern technology and facilities for improving public services. In California, he exemplified, abundant justice seekers coming to the courts can be satisfyingly handled using modern working facilities. Public gets fast and sophisticated services from the courts.


Court Excellence: Toward Great Courts

Participants of  EMC Discussion posing together with Dirgen Badilag, Wahyu Widiana. From left to right (standing): Rahmat Arijaya, Dirwansyah Ridlah, Kholid, Bangbang SP, Ahmad Satiri, Salman, Abd. Rahman Rahim, Ahmad Saprudin, Achmad Cholil, Shobirin, Buang Yusuf, Edi Rawidy, Herman Hermanto. (sitting): Dini Triana, Wakhidun AR, Chazim Maksalina, Dirjen Badilag, Yassardin, Hasany Nasir, Alia Alhasna.

Jakarta | Badilag.net/English (03/11)

Since it has been an international issue that courts are expected to fulfill the need of the people for justice, some international institutions that are The Australian Institute of  Judicial Administration (AIJA), The Federal Judicial Center, The National  Center for State Courts (NCSC), and The Subordinate Courts of Singapore, with assistance of The European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ), Spring Singapore, and The World Bank, have developed International Framework for Court Excellence.

As stated by the consortium in their publication, this framework is a model which has the goal to develop a framework of values, concepts, and tools by which courts worldwide can voluntarily assess and improve the quality of justice and court administration they deliver. The framework consists of the so-called Seven Areas for Court Excellence, namely: 1) court management and leadership, 2) court policies, 3) human, material and financial resources, 4) court proceedings, 5) client needs and satisfaction, 6) affordable and accessible court services, 7) public trust and confidence. This framework will in turn direct the courts to achieve court values i.e. equality (before the law), fairness, impartiality, independence of decision-making, competence, integrity, transparency, accessibility, timeliness, and certainty.


Mr. David Sabin Anderson:

Court must fulfill public expectation

Mr. David S. Anderson (left) delivering a speech while Director General for Badilag, Wahyu Widiana, listening attentively.

Jakarta | badilag.net/english (28/10)

To get a clear perception of what public expect from the court, we need to temporarily think as an ‘outsider’ who comes to the court and intends to file a case. We surely need satisfying services as we might know nothing about how to register our cases and so on.

This suggestion was proposed by David Sabin Anderson, Chief Party of In-ACCE USAID, when delivering his short speech as a guest speaker of the English Meeting Club held yesterday (27/10) at Badilag Office, Pegangsaan Barat Street No. 30, Central Jakarta.

“Try to step back and think that you are not a court staff. What services do you expect to get from the court,” David asked.


i-syariah Magazine:

Information Technology key to transparent and modern court

Director General of Badilag urges Religious Courts to keep the websites updated and improve the quality of services.

Jakarta | badilag.net/english (22/10)

In its efforts to make radical changes for a more professional, transparent and accountable Supreme Court and its subordinate courts, Religious Courts Body has since two years ago been developing IT usage to bring the Court to a more modern one, i-syariah magazine wrote on its first publication received by badilag.net days ago.

The magazine further wrote that under Wahyu Widiana’s leadership, Badilag (Religious Courts Body) had pioneered the establishment of websites all over Religious Courts in Indonesia, an indication of achieving client service improvement. As a result, public can now notice significant progress that Badilag has made so far. A number of domestic and foreign Non Governmental Organizations convey their appreciation to Badilag for its achievement.

This progress and public recognition Badilag earned, according to Wahyu as quoted by i-syariah, is because of the introduction of the one roof system from which Badilag benefits, to mention an example, budget increase that financially supports many of Badilag’s programs and policies.


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