‘Justice for the Poor’: Main Issue of Discussion on IA-LDF Survey
Cate Sumner is presenting key findings of the survey
Jakarta | badilag.net/English (19/08/2009)
Following the discussion on survey findings of Family Law Access and Equity by joint forum between Badilag (Religious Courts Body), Badilum (General Courts Body) and LDF (Legal Development Facility) held at the end of last July (27/8), Directorate General of Badilag carried out a discussion yesterday (18/08) concerning action plans for 4 key findings of the survey.
‘Justice for the poor’ is one of the four main issues emerging in the discussion that involved Chairpersons and Registrars of Religious Courts from greater Jakarta (Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi) and was led by Hidayatullah, with Cate Sumner (Lead Adviser LDF) and Leisha Lister (Executive Adviser to the CEO FCoA) as resources person.
‘Justice for the poor’ is closely related to prodeo cases and circuit court, two legal facilities which have enabled people, who could not afford to come to court due to poverty and long distance, to access to justice.
“The state has to guarantee the people to bring their cases to court,” said Mukti Arto, spokesperson of group I discussing this issue. The state’s guarantee, Mukti said, was to be implemented through state budget for free waiver and circuit court sittings.