Directorate General of Religious Judicature Body has National Database of Judicial Cases
Jakarta, 12 June 2009
Directorate General of Religious Judicature Body now has a media to collect national data base of judicial cases through National Information Repository (NIR). NIR system is made to consolidate data and information taken from SIADPA (Case Management System of Religious Court). The objective of the establishment of National Information Repository is to support national report and statistics from all Religious Courts all over Indonesia.
NIR server is collecting data of judicial cases from SIADPA.
“It is about 234 of Religious Courts which is equal to 68.22 % that have applied SIADPA, but the data base is still on each work unit. Therefore, it is necessary to have a center of national data base of judicial cases, and now the media has been available”, stated chief sub-division of documentation and information, Asep Nursobah before handover ceremony of NIR from Bahtera Informatika, Ltd. to Directorate General of Religious Judicature Body (BADILAG). In this ceremony, BADILAG received NIR source code to directly integrate NIR with SIADPA.