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Supreme Court shows determination to judicial reform

Jakarta | Badilag.net/english (16/9/09)

Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia is closely watching its personnel and shows no doubt to follow up any public complaints and further punish its staff, especially judges who have been found guilty of misusing power and violating code of conduct.

After releasing 60 names of officials and staff receiving punishment a month ago, the Supreme Court and Judicial Commission for the first time publicly presented Tuesday (15/9) a session of a Judge Honor Assembly (Majelis Kehormatan Hakim) aimed to hear pleas from Sudiarto, former Chief Judge of Banjarmasin District Court.


BP4 a potential mediation agency: Chief Justice

Jakarta, Badilag.net/english, (9/9/2009)

The Supreme Court fully supports programs of BP4 (Agency for Counseling, Fostering and Perpetuation of Marriage) especially those pertaining to mediation of cases handled by Religious courts. Chief Justice, Dr. Harifin A. Tumpa, SH, MH, expressed this firm back up when giving an audience to National Executive Board of BP4 Wednesday (9/9/09) at his office in Jakarta.

Responding to BP4’s intention to be a mediation agency that can legally produce mediators, Harifin maintaines his support while adding that BP4 has to meet the requirements stipulated by Supreme Court Regulation (PERMA) No. 1/2008 on Mediation Procedures in Courts.

“It’s a good opportunity for BP4 (to become a mediation agency),” Chief Justice said.


Solidity and Change Management Paradigm: Key factors for Religious Courts’ progress


 Jakarta, Badilag.net/english (4/9/2009).

Two consultants on Capacity Building Impact Studies of AusAid, Geoff Lacey and Wandy Tuturoong, conveyed their high appreciation on significant progress that Religious Courts have made for the past four years of cooperation with IALDF (Indonesia Australia Legal Development Facility).

The two experts visited Badilag’s office Wednesday (2/9/2009) discussing with the Director General of Badilag (Religious Courts Body), Wahyu Widiana, the impacts of mutual cooperation between Badilag and Australia that has been facilitated by IALDF.

When asked about key factors for Religious Courts’ advancement, Wahyu Widiana mentioned two determinant causes; solidity and change management paradigm.


Former Vice Chief Justice, Drs. H.Taufiq, SH, MH, Heads National Agency of Marriage Counseling

 “Mediation is Top Priority”

Jakarta, Badilag.net/english (28/08).

Agency for Counseling, Fostering and Perpetuation of Marriage (henceforth called as BP4/Badan Penasihatan, Pembinaan dan Pelestarian Perkawinan) which was a semi-official agency in the Department of Religious Affairs has now become a professional socio-religious organization and a partner of the Department in embodying peaceful, loving, and blissful families.

The transformation of the agency can be seen in article 3 of its new statutes established in its 14th National Congress 2009 in Jakarta. The congress held from June 1-3, 2009 also decided Rules of Association, main working programs for year 2009-2014 and made recommendation for government, law enforcers, Indonesian Broadcasting Commission, Film Censorship Institute, and greater community. (for complete congress' results, click here). 

The congress also elected Drs. H. Taufiq, SH, MH, former Vice Chief Justice, General Chairman of BP4 for the working period 2009-2014. Minister of Religious Affairs through his decree No. 114/2009 dated July 30, 2009 appointed a complete leadership of the agency that was inaugurated on August 17, 2009. (Complete Ministerial Decree, click here).


Supreme Court issues regulation on prodeo cases, making courts more accessible to the poor

Jakarta | Badilag.net/english (27/8)

Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia has decreed a regulation (PERMA) No. 02/2009 legalizing the use of the Court’s budget for free waiver for the poor through prodeo cases. The regulation has lifted long-lasting doubt from Religious Courts’ community on using the budget for the poor since article 81 A of Law No. 3/2009 explicitly stipulates that state budget does not bear any fees for settling civil cases.

Article 2 point 4 of the Supreme Court Regulation (Perma) states that “Fees for settling cases through prodeo procedure at first instance courts, appeal and cassation level as well as cases on industry-related disputes, whose claim less than Rp. 150 millions,  are to the state’s guarantee in accordance with the applying laws.”

“This regulation (Perma 2/2009) substantially regulates fees for finalizing cases and their management in the Supreme Court and its lower courts. This was also issued to put into practice stipulation of article 81 A point 5 Law No. 3/2009,” Director General of Badilag, Wahyu Widiana, told badilag.net shortly after receiving the regulation from the Supreme Court’s Registrar Wednesday (26/8).


Office Address

Supreme Court Secretariat Building  (Lt. 6-8)

Jl. Jend. Ahmad Yani Kav. 58 ByPass Jakarta Pusat

Telp: 021-29079177 
Fax: 021-29079277

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